Terms See current or representative syllabi here (login required). Jump to: Winter 2025 Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025 Winter 2026 Spring 2026
Winter 2025 PHIL 1.04 (10A) God, Darwin, and the Cosmos. Lewis PHIL 1.07 (3B) Life, Death, Relationships, and Meaning. Rosenkoetter PHIL 1.09 (10) Science, Superstition, and Skepticism. Binkoski PHIL 1.18 (2A) The Self in Philosophy, Psychology, and Neuroscience. Rosario PHIL 9.02 (12) Environmental Ethics. Sankaran PHIL 9.06 (10A) Friends, Lovers, and Comrades: Ethical Issues of Special Relationships. Rosario PHIL 13.02 (10) British Empiricism. Kulvicki PHIL 25 (2A) Philosophy of Cognitive Science. Kendrick (Identical to COGS 25) PHIL 37 (3A) Ethical Theory. Bumpus PHIL 38.05 (11) Black Political Theory. Topete (Identical to AAAS 21.76) PHIL 50.18 (12) Animal Minds. Rosenqvist (Identical to COGS 50.01) PHIL 50.35 (3A) Mind, Language, and Morality. Phillips (Identical to COGS 11.03) PHIL 80.14 (6A) Kant on Being, Goodness, and Beauty. Rosenkoetter back to top
Spring 2025 PHIL 1.07 (3A) Life, Death, Relationships, and Meaning. Rosenkoetter PHIL 1.08 (10) Philosophy of Time & Time Travel. Binkoski PHIL 1.10 (2A) Minds, Meanings, and Images. Kendrick PHIL 1.20 (2) Buddhist Philosophy. Seton (Identical to REL 41.08 and ASCL 51.08) PHIL 3 (9L) Reason and Argument. Lewis PHIL 5 (12) Philosophy and Medicine. Bumpus PHIL 6 (11) Logic and Language. Rosenkoetter PHIL 7.01 (11) First-Year Seminar in Philosophy: Contemporary Moral Issues. Bumpus PHIL 8 (10A) Introduction to Moral Philosophy. Rosario PHIL 9.02 (11) Environmental Ethics. Binkoski PHIL 19.05 (3B) Analytic Philosophy Post-1950. Rosario PHIL 22 (3A) Feminism and Philosophy. Brison PHIL 26 (10A) Philosophy and Computers. Domenicucci (Identical to COGS 26) PHIL 50.24 (2A) Moral Epistemology. Plunkett PHIL 80.15 (3A) Epistemic Normativity. Plunkett back to top
Summer 2025 PHIL 1.06 (10A) Classic and Experimental Philosophy. Gill, Edinburgh Visiting Professor PHIL 1.10 (11) Minds, Meanings, and Images. Kulvicki PHIL 1.19 (3A) Identity, Liberalism, and Democracy (Identical to GOV 30.15). Plunkett and Mounk PHIL 30 (2A) Epistemology and Methodology. Plunkett back to top
Fall 2025 PHIL 1.05 (11) Reasons, Values, Persons. Thomas PHIL 1.09 (11) Science, Superstition, and Skepticism. Binkoski PHIL 1.15 (10A) Selves and Stories. Washington PHIL 1.16 (10) Morality, Freedom, and the Mind. Thomasson PHIL 1.23 (12) Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Knowledge. Rosenqvist PHIL 3 (12) Reason and Argument. Bumpus PHIL 8 (2A) Introduction to Moral Philosophy. Sankaran PHIL 11 (9L) Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy. C. Thomas PHIL 31.07 (2) The Social World. Thomasson PHIL 35.01 (tba) Theories of Consciousness. Kendrick (Identical to COGS 50.04) PHIL 50.22 (10A)Value. Walden PHIL 80.20 (3A) Controversies in Feminist Philosophy. Brison back to top
Winter 2026 PHIL 1.05 (12) Reasons, Values, Persons. Levey PHIL 1.14 (11) Knowledge, Truth, and Power. Binkoski PHIL 3 (2A) Reason and Argument. Kulvicki PHIL 6 (9S) Logic and Language. Rosenkoetter PHIL 7.xy (tba) First-Year Seminar in Philosophy: TBA. Bumpus PHIL 13.01 (2) 17th Century Rationalists. Levey PHIL 25 (tba) Philosophy of Cognitive Science. Kendrick (Identical to COGS 25) PHIL 29 (12) Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics. Mackereth PHIL 31.09 (10) Metaphysics of Race. Washington PHIL 37.02 (11) Morality Critics. Walden PHIL 50.xy (tba) Advanced Seminar in Philosophy: TBA. Rosenkoetter PHIL 80.22 (10A) Secondary Qualities. Kulvicki back to top
Spring 2026 PHIL 1.07 (3B) Life, Death, Relationships, and Meaning. Rosenkoetter PHIL 1.10 (tba) Minds, Meanings, and Images. Kendrick PHIL 1.16 (10) Morality, Freedom, and the Mind. Thomasson PHIL 6 (tba) Logic and Language. Bumpus PHIL 9.02 (10) Environmental Ethics. Binkoski PHIL 19.02 (6A) Transcendental Philosophy in Husserl and Heidegger. Rosenkoetter PHIL 26 (10A) Philosophy and Computers. Domenicucci and Brison (Identical to COGS 26) PHIL 30 (11) Epistemology and Methodology. Binkoski PHIL 34 (10) Language and Thought. C. Thomas PHIL 50.xy (10A) Advanced Seminar in Philosophy: TBA. C. Thomas PHIL 80.26 (2) Conceptual Ethics and Conceptual Engineering. Thomasson back to top