Philosophy as Practice of Suffering and Hope
Montgomery Fellow George Yancy, Professor of Philosophy at Emory University, will deliver a lecture Wednesday, July 10 at 4:30pm in the Oopik Auditorium, Life Sciences Center. All are welcome!
[more]Montgomery Fellow George Yancy, Professor of Philosophy at Emory University, will deliver a lecture Wednesday, July 10 at 4:30pm in the Oopik Auditorium, Life Sciences Center. All are welcome!
[more]Does quantum mechanics require genuine indeterminacy in the world, and if so, how do we understand that indeterminacy? Join the discussion at this workshop, July 12-13.
[more]What role should truth have in a just and democratic society? How important are claims to truth for resisting unjust social practices? Can democracies effectively handle problems related to misinformation and limited information? Register to join the conversation, here.
[more]Listen to the NHPR interview with "From #MeToo and BlackLivesMatter to #SayHerName" series conveners, Professors Susan Brison (Philosophy) and Shateema Threadcraft (Government), here.
[more]Friday and Saturday, May 10 and 11, 2019. Free & open to all, space permitting, but pre-registration is required. Co-organized by David Plunkett and Amie Thomasson.